A curriculum vitae (CV) is your personal marketing tool - an opportunity to sell your skills, qualities, expertise and potential to a prospective employer.
A CV will get you an interview, not a job.
An employer will only spend around 7 seconds looking at a CV so keep your information clear and organised.
Keep it to maximum of 2 A4 pages long
Use bullet points and short sentences rather than big paragraphs
Only include relevant and positive and information
Don’t include a photo (unless applying to USA or as a model or actor!)
Don’t include home address
Don’t include health details
Don’t include religion
Make sure dates are in chronological order (most recent first)
Make sure you spell check your CV
Get someone else to check it
Make sure you include a reference or put statement: References available on request
Keep your CV up-to-date and relevant for the job you are applying for
Don’t need to include date of birth or gender

Book a face to face, virtual meeting or telephone call using this link: bit.ly/BCoT_CareersMeeting